Saturday, June 16, 2012

Cake-y Cosmetic Goodness

Today was officially the beginning of our packing.

We take possession on our condo for March 26th, which gives us just under three weeks to pack everything, get organized AND contemplate what to ditch. The "ditching" portion's been simple: clothes, makeup (sigh, I know), shoes, handbags and even some of my beloved dishes have made their way to the Salvation Army. The packing part, well, that's another story.

By 4 o'clock today, we were beat. We made dinner (super early I know) and fell to the couch to watch one of my favorite TV shows: Cake Boss. I don't know about you but I think Buddy is hilarious. Either way, watching his show Allan and I began talking about what type of cakes we'd love to there any doubt as to what my special cake would be?

Check these yummy treats out....

 Aside from cosmetics (and Allan), my other love is Chanel. I must say, this cake is utterly fabulous.
 This cake is totally me. Not only does it have an adorable pink cosmetic case but also a Dior blush and shimmery lip it.
 Last but certainly not least, check out these outstanding cupcakes. Victoria's Secret, Tiffany's, Dior, Louboutin and Gucci are all here. It's like a haute couture fashion show....
 Look, it's a MAC cake!! Look at the detail...That brush with the falling blush particles is almost flawless.
 Who wouldn't want a chocolate Sephora cake, right? Oh, and to top it off, oreo buttercream and triple chocolate fudge fill this stunning cake. So yummy...

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