Saturday, June 16, 2012

My Phenomenal Palette Giveaway

Before I get to the good stuff, I just wanted to give a big shout out to all my followers. Thanks again for all your amazing comments and advice. You guys are awesome! Now, on to the info you really want. Since I just recently hit 200 followers AND have been raving about palettes lately, I thought it's time to giveaway a few of my new ones....
ELF Studio Mini Makeup Collection (check out pics here)
Mark It Kit Trend Color Compact (check out pics here)
Marcelle Wet & Dry Eye Shadow Quad in Teal Chic (check out pics here)

Now for the long-winded babble. Please ensure that you are over 18 OR have your parents permission to enter this giveaway. Also, only one comment per person. (It can be very difficult to add up entries if you are leaving multiple comments). I should probably mention that this giveaway is open to everyone (International friends included). Here's how you enter:

- Follow me publicly through Goggle Friend Connect (1 entry)
- Follow me on twitter, tell me your twitter name and tweet about this giveaway (1 entry)
- Follow me on bloglovin' (1 entry)
- Add this post to your sidebar using the picture above and link back to my blog (2 entries)
- Write a blog post about this giveaway, link back to my page (2 entries)

In your comment be sure to include your name, your google friend connect name, your email address, your twitter name (if applicable), your blog post link and sidebar link (if applicable AND so I can check that you've actually done it) and, the most important thing, what your favorite lipstick is...

** will be used to determine a winner and this giveaway is open until May 27th at 11:59 pm PST.

Good luck my fellow beauty junkies!

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